Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can a guy wear tank tops for ballet class?

I'm a guy who is starting to take ballet. I'm just wondering if I can wear tank tops instead of t-shirts for my ballet class?

Can a guy wear tank tops for ballet class?performing shows

Yes you can. Make sure you ask your teacher thought and ask what it the acceptable uniform for males.

I just did a quick Google Images search and a lot of guys were wearing them. Most of the guys in my class wear t-shirts, but its probably just a country thing (I live in Australia).

I hope this helps :)

Can a guy wear tank tops for ballet class?say yes opera theater

It depends on what your dance teacher says. I would wear a t-shirt your first time and ask your teacher if a tank top is acceptable.

Or get a pamplete for your ballet school, drop a call for them.
I've been dancing for about 10 years now and from what i've seen you should wear a tank top. Just make sure it doesn't have any writing on it and that its not too loud (colorful=distracting)... Hope all goes well with your class....


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