Thursday, December 10, 2009

Should I enroll my son in ballet?

We have a excellent magnet school through the local ballet company that offers ballet training during the school day. The school is only grades 3-5. I don't see a problem with enrolling my son in this school, but i'm afraid that other kids will make fun of him (other boy's that are closed minded). My son is a gymnast also, but the kids at school think that is cool. He is going to be 8 this summer and he seems interested in the program. It would normally be a very expensive school, but since it is through the public school, it is free. Best school in our district, which is #1 in the state. I don't want to pass up such a good thing, but I also don't want to set him up to be picked on......what do you think???

Should I enroll my son in ballet?movie theatre

If he wants to do it too, he should go for it. He can tell any "teasers" that football players are even required to take ballet and that it is very helpful to his gymnastics (true statement). Who knows, the other boys may think it's cool too and want to join. Just because a boy likes ballet doesn't mean he's gay. Being a male dancer (or gymnast) is being a strong and athletic individual.

Should I enroll my son in ballet?playhouse opera theater

Yes you should, its a good age and kids will be kids

as long as he is happy let him be.
Well just see if he would want to do it. And if he likes it and isn't worried about being picked on then keep him in it. If he starts to get picked on then just take him out of the program. But definitely try.
My opinion - enroll him in martial arts! He's got a great head start if he knows gymnastics!

That way, you don't have to worry about him so much when he's a teenager cos you know he knows how to attack people and defend himself as opposed to (no offence) being able to do ballet... If I ever had a kid (boy or girl) it would be doing martial arts from the time it could walk so I wouldn't have to worry about em ever being too hurt if some unsavory person launched an unprovoked attack, as the crazy people out there seem to do these days!

i feel, you shouldnt, for the sake of his dignity in school..

and under no means should you enroll ur son in ballet class...

with the only exception being if he himself really wants it..

really wants it..
are there no basketball camps available?
He is going to be picked on but the extent depends on the people he goes to school with and your sons personailty. If your son is really into it and wont let comments bother him sign him up. (i doubt other kids will do any more than teasing)
Well, if your son is happy with that then you should go for it .Its a very unique thing to do, its fun.
go for it if your son loves it. or try it, if he doesn't enjoy it then stop. why? because i am a 14 year old girl who wish i started ballet. and i regret a lot about it. your son will not if he tries it out now. just give him a chance mum, you'll never know. maybe someday he'll become a world famous abllet dancer?
Ballet is great to help him improve in gymnastics. (Particullarly the floor routine) I say you should send him. My brothers do gymnastics, and although they show no interest in dance, it would clearly help. When I did gymnastics, I took ballet on the side.
yes you should enroll him we need more boys if people make fun of him i will bash them for you oh and if he really wants to do it that is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is up to him, if he has a passion for Dancing. Go ahead, one of my best friends danced for a year.
I play basketball and my coach has just set me up to go to some ballet classes with an instructor he knows to help parts of my game like jumps, using less energy, better balance and so on. I am a bit worried about being teased too and will feel an odd one out (there are no other guys in the class I am going to). But if your son wants to do it, why not. If he doesn't then I wouldn't force him either. If it's free maybe he can go and if he changes his mind, then no big deal either.

well my little brother did ballet and he got picked on constanly by boys and girls. they would call him a fag and for a young boy, that's very hurtful. however if i was you, i would not want my son to miss out on it and i would enroll him anyways. just make sure to have a serious talk with him before hand and tell him that kids at school probably won't understand and therefore will make fun of him. prepare him for it. tell him exactly what to say to them and what not to say so he doesn't get in trouble and tell him what to do if the kids won't stop. also, if you don't already, ask him everyday how school went. he'll tell you if he's being picked on but you have to ask. kids can be cruel and they're not very accepting of boys who do ballet but it's very worth while. all you need to do is help him through it until he learns how to deal with those kids on his own.
i think you should he probablly wont get picked on when he can lift a girl up over his head on one arm!!it souds like a great program and if he is interested then yes it sounds eally good but only do it if he wants to he can always quit it sounds brill

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