Saturday, December 5, 2009

Getting in Shape for Ballet?

Hello. I am hoping to start dance training in about 6 months. I don't want to join a company or anything but am hoping to one day perform in community dance groups and theater. I am planning on starting with Ballet and Modern dance and eventually branching into other dance forms. My main problem is that, at this very moment, I am very overweight and kind of weak. What kinds of exercises would you recommend that would help me build endurance and strength for dance and how much weight do you think I should lose before I start training? I am currently 20 years old, 5'10", and 190 Lbs. I am looking for good exercise programs and have already settled on a diet consisting of raw foods, yogurts, and other healthy items with a total calorie intake of 1500 per day. Please keep in mind that I am completely out of shape (hence the fact that I won't start dance training for at least 6-8 months). I am planning on working my way up to 5-7 classes per week over the course of several months.

Getting in Shape for Ballet?passions soap opera'll get in shape by the time your going to start dancing.i salute you. never give in to temptation...

Getting in Shape for Ballet?mr messed up opera theater

You can build endurance and strength in the lower legs by running, this will help shape and strengthen the legs. It will also make it easier for you to perform for large amounts of time. You can also do sit ups to strengthen your core since you will need that for balance, the stronger you are in the core the better it is. I can't give you a standard weight because each dancer is different, and if your not in a company it shouldn't matter as much. If you keep to your diet, work out as much as possible you should be in shape soon; hope I helped a bit
I have been a dancer for 13 years and the BEST,BEST excersize to do is pilates. Get a DVD and do it everyday and you become stronger so quickly. I don't know where you carry your weight, but as a dancer you need strong legs so squats are always good. plus once you start modern, it is a workout, at least my class is. Running helps to but work on core regions of your body. But always get some cardio in. Eat alot of fish and always have vegies and fruit ready to snack on, instead of chips. You might want to join a jazzersize class also because it will help build up your endurance, you said you were completely out of shape, and will get you fit. Overall, be happy with who you are. You don't have to weigh 115lbs to be a good dancer. Good Luck, and if you have aymore questions, ask me.
An impossible amount of crunches. Crunches are the best thing for the core and you need a great core and center for pitouettes (turns), etc

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