Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why are American men phobic of ballet?

In Europe and many Latin and Asian cultures ballet is considered to be masculine, and is equally enjoyed by men and women. Why are very young girls attracted to ballet in the USA, but is only mildly popular among young girls of other countries? What in American culture do think created this social stigma? Why is it still with us? What would make Americans change their view?

Why are American men phobic of ballet?palace theatre

I think it has to do with society. Our society dictates to us what is masculine and feminine, what's acceptable and what's not, what's fat and skinny, and on and on. For some reason the American society has dictated to us that Ballet is feminine and therefore, guys are afraid of it becuase then they will be perceived as feminine or gay just because they are in ballet.

Why are American men phobic of ballet?concert tickets opera theaterBECAUSE, ballet is full of queers, like ice capades and every other dramatic event that involves twister type dancing. Report It

It's all that mincing.
Well I'm from Canada and I was in a tap class when I was young, and I got beat up at school over it. So I punked out and quit. But I tell you, if you've ever actually tried to do what those dancers can do, you'll earn a huge respect for them. The beauty of dance like the taste of good scotch is an aquired taste for most. Most men just feel it's all pink outfits and girls pretending to be swans.
Because ballet is a scary SCARY GIRLY PANSYISH THING!!! I dont like it. Its for men who like to dance and want to be a girl
they have to protect their dignity, all they care about is having their dignity, doing ballet, their friends would make fun of them and they'd lose their dignity.
Because most people are idiots. I took a ballet course as an adult and it was heaven. It was about 15 to 1, men to women. I had a ton of dates with fit, athletic artistic women. I also got into incredible shape.

Any single guy that wants to have fun, work out and meet fascinating women that aren't drunk at some smoky bar needs to get into a class ASAP.

I only enjoyed going to the ballet when it involved a superstar though. Barishnikov or Nureyev etc.

They were just so much better than the local companies that it ruined trying to sit through the local stuff.
I can't answer for all American men, but I know it bores me greatly. I don't get the stories that the dances are trying to tell. Then again, I also hate musicals. I'm just not into performing arts like that.
Birdman and HisServ have it right. People are sheep. SHEEP I tell you. BAAAAAA
your question is needed the whole discovery of topic. may be few people can answer according to their opinion but i think u won't get the perfect one untill and unless u study the matter.. good luck i m sorry i won't comment anything on this coz i m also an american.
By the way I think Nathan C is drunk or stoned.

I agree with HisServ and also the guys who think it鈥檚 idiotic. I love ballet! Gorgeous, petite, women dancing like ethereal beings, what鈥檚 not to like? Well, I may be in a minority but I also love classical music. I wish the U.S. was not so hard on boys in ballet. I would have liked to have trained in it myself. I think it would have been a fun career, and ballet guys are fit, and I'm sure have plenty of hot dates.
Not, sadly, only American men. But as your question has centred on them I will try to stay with that.

I think it is partly because of fear, but also because of conditioning (though some of the fear is also conditioned),

partly because of inverse snobbery and finally - in a similar vein - because it is not truly "American". Heaven knows the USA has produced some outstanding workers and performers in ballet over that last 100 years but... "it just ain't American - Zeke, where's my gun?"
Stereotypes, society, images. We have high hopes for our little girls to be "princesses"-ballet lessons, piano lessons, things that "define" femininity-but we don't teach them to chew with their mouths closed or that modesty is a good thing. Sports, hunting, fishing, these are "manly" things that we want our boys to know. Truth is guys are afraid of it and put it off as one more thing they will never understand about women.
It's the men in tights. Male audience members feel that their "members" don't measure up! Oh, and those men have perfectly toned, muscular legs and butts to complement their magnificent bulges...

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